Urban Seeds helping to provide 250 nutritious scratch meals a week

Aimee Blume
Evansville Courier & Press
EVANSVILLE, Ind. – Few are enjoying being shut in the house during our current lockdown situation, and many parents are struggling to help bored kids complete schoolwork and thrive without seeing their friends. But the added stress for those who don’t have enough food to feed their family is huge. 

Evansville-based Urban Seeds has partnered with other local organizations to provide 250 meals each week for children and their families, seniors and veterans at risk of not having enough to eat during this time of crisis.

This is a change for the organization, which normally focuses on creating access to and use of fresh, nutritious food by many segments of our population. To this end, it doesn’t typically produce food but instead sponsors Nourish, a bulk food buying club which makes the staple foods — fresh vegetables, grains, meat, and dairy — more affordable while providing education and support so families may learn to cook meals at home.

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