Time for the Second Annual High School Story Challenge!

High School Story Challenge

Purpose: To engage and work with energetic high school students who are passionate about sharing/developing skills and talent, to promote food security and promote healthful food choices, willing to attend monthly board meetings and occasional community projects/events.

Urban Seeds invites all local high school students to explore the intersection of food justice with culture, class, income, or economics while considering societal assumptions such as access to food, equity, relationships, health, and etc. using one or more of the following medium choices:

Speech | Essay | Video | Poem | Song

Using your choice of the following prompts, please tell us how you see the Mission and Vision of Urban Seeds connecting to food justice.

  1. How do our environments affect accessibility to and our relationship with food?
  2. How do our traditions with food relate to our health?
  3. How does food build community?
  4. How does food break down barriers and overcome stereotypes?
  5. What changes could be made to ensure everyone has equal opportunity to access nutritious foods?

Criteria for participation: Student in good standing willing to attend monthly board meetings and occasional community projects/events.

Time considerations for submissions: 1000 words for essay; maximum 5 minutes for speech, song, poem or video.

Submissions accepted via email to scholarship@urbanseeds.org.user.s409.sureserver.com.user.s408.sureserver.com until September 20, 2021.

Finalists will be invited to apply for a student Board of Directors position for a period of one year and be eligible for a $1500.00 scholarship for post-high school training or education path of their choice.

  • Please include in your submission email a few sentences about yourself including your name, age, school you attend, and post-high school education/career goals.
  • Give two strategies you would use to promote food justice and food security awareness among your high school peers if selected as the Student Member of the Urban Seeds Board of Directors. Be creative! (Example of ideas: recruit and lead peers to volunteer at food assistance /event/programs; develop a value-added feature to an existing food assistance event/program; develop solutions for issues facing a specific community program that serve low-income families)

Scholarship recipient will be announced October 4, 2021.

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